Montag, 14. Dezember 2015

The New Age Deception - Prophecy in the News

to watch this video, I`d like to refer to, click the link below:
 The world in 2016

Thanks to the producer of this video, we do have another example, of how media is pushing towards an idea of biblical prophecy, being fulfilled before our eyes. Mass media is on the forefront in pushing forward a false concept  of a coming glorious New Age on earth. We do speak of a time in the future, when mankind will be led to the deception to belief into a 1000 year millennia of peace and unity. But at this moment in time, a King of the North orchestrates a lot of events, leading people into thinking that happenings, which are spottet and brought through media are actually a fulfillment of bible prophecy.

In fact, the Mark of the Beast, of which we are warned in the book of Revelation, is set in place today and we can already see it on the horizon. At the very same time, we can watch the implementation of the misconception, that a RFID-technology, in form of a implantable tracking device represents this mysterious sign.

But is this biblical and accurate?

What is the Mark of the Beast?

It goes on:

Are you ready for Satans last performances?

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