Montag, 7. Dezember 2015

Strange happenings occurring around the globe

In fact, the Devil doesn`t sleep!

Massive toxic output through aircrafts during the night,
 causes strange coloured heaven at sunrise.

This pictures where taken in Burgenland/Austria on last Saturday, 05.12.15
at around 7 a.m.

So another time, we can see that we are actually living in very special and interesting times. But what I want to put to it, as clips like this one is posted: I WON't give a damn about any information, that is given through media channels. The idea of a end of time is pushed through media constantly, in order to prepare the masses to accept the coming New Age deception.

A false and satanic minded view of bible prophetic events, being fulfilled before our eyes, is nowadays played out to set the stage for this final time in that great controversy.

So beware of false prophets & stay vigilant!

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