A music seminar with Christian Berdahl:
When popular music becomes obscene & immoral
Music engenders mystical experiences ... Subject to the individual impulses, tastes and delights of consumers and composers, there is much about music that is creative, experiential, and ethereal. But as every genre from military marches to love songs indicate, music possesses a mysterious, if not occult, power to sway the soul. The only question for Christian believers becomes, do their musical preferences, acquisitions, and experiences hinder or facilitate the Holy Spirit`s work in their souls?
Larry DeBruyn
Adventures into the world of Zen, free sex, and mind-expanding drugs during the `60s paved capricious paths to "higher" consciousness. The long hair of those years was merely a sign of broken boundaries, rebellion against authority, and experimental ways to live - and die.
Music nurtured this liberation. It summoned, taught, inspired, and unified the seekers. Those who sang the same words felt the same rhythms and caught the same visions. Like New Age spirituality, the music of the New Age has developed through syncretism - a blending of contemporary dreams, ancient paganism, Far Eastern religions, and modern technology.
While there are many varieties of music on the scene today, I would like to draw your attention to two distinct forms of music that have emerged. One, the ambient and "chill-out" sounds labeled "New Age music," which flow from a growing fascination which Eastern-style meditation. The soothing, sometimes ethereal, and at other times, monotonous or monotone tones, relax and often delight. Appealing to man`s spiritual yearning for inner peace and harmony with nature, it can be harmless unless accompanied by New Age meditative practices and visualizations. However, the number of CDs now being manufactured to induce trance-like states is soaring. The other kind-loud, physical rock-unashamedly flaunts counterfeit or occult values, images, rhythms, and verbal expressions. It has captured the hearts and minds of children, teens, and young adults around the world. On the surface, these two types of music seem as opposite as what they proclaim: inner peace or sensual violence. But they aim in the same direction: union with the "angel of light" who wants to immunize children against truth and persuade them to worship idols.
Ancient forms of New Age music
The New Age includes the dark as well as the seemingly beautiful. And yet, the mind behind the enticing masks hates the God of the Bible and everything He represents. Thus, New Age music does not just merely include the fluid, hypnotic strains flowing from electric synthesizers, but the full gamut of musical instrumentation and affectation for the purposes of hard selling New Age enticements to today`s young people - utilizing and employing the use of meditation, magic, and drugs also to more effectively reach them.
Man`s attempts to transcend the boundaries of the physical world through music are intricately interwoven with the history of mankind. While God encouraged His people to worship and enter His presence through songs of praise, Satan - as he always does with God`s best gifts - provided a counterfeit. Thus, pagan societies used music as a conduit to help them connect directly to the spirit realm and with other gods. Nevill Drury, who promotes New Age meditation and visualization in his manual, Music for Inner Space, points to ancient cultures as models for today:
In societies where magic and myth define and influence everyday existence man aspires to be like the gods and to imitate them, thereby acquiring mastery of nature ... In both primitive societies and ancient culture alike, magical incantations and songs are a source of power.
In India, the ancient Hindu ragas stimulate the imagination. Drury explains that the drone component - "the unchanging basic note or pitch" - sustains the music and "meditatively makes each musical performance an 'inner journey.' One literally travels with the music, lured into new areas of consciousness." Drury continues:
Repetitive rhythms and mantric musical patterns are used universally to induce trance states. However, we have choice within the altered state of allowing ourselves to surrender to the music and be "possessed" by its intoxicating rhythms or "ride" the music or drumbeat on our journey to the inner world.
In primitive Africa and South America, the witch doctor functions as a mediator between the tribe and demonic spirits. The sacred drum - credited with magical powers - together with hallucinatory drugs (sorcery) induces trances, which transports him into the spirit world. There he receives guidance.
In the Amazon rainforest, there lived a Yanamamo shaman named Chief Shoefoot. In his testimonial film, I`ll never go back, Shoefoot, now a born-again Christian, tells how his music- and drug-induced trances put him in touch with horrible and frightening demonic spirits. The music would lull him into these trances, playing a significant role in his making contact with the spirits.
Obbo Addy, a drummer and singer from Ghana said, "My father was a medicine man. He told the future and healed the sick. Music invoked the spirits my father possessed." The ceremony often involved the whole tribe. Intoxicated by the drum`s beat, the dancers would finally surrender to the persuasive rhythms and enter into a trance. A description of the Macumba (Brazil) spiritists` trance dance ends with his observation: "If I was looking for a mindless joy it was here, in a dance with the brain turned off and the body taking its orders straight from the drum."
Nanci des Gerlaise, author of Muddy Waters, is the daughter and granddaughter of Cree medicine men. Now, as a believer in Christ, Nanci warns others about the occultic music in Native Spirituality:
Now when I hear powwow music, my spirit recoils, and I know without a doubt that it is because there are spiritual forces of darkness at work. Some people, even some Christians, believe there are two different kinds of powwows - one used only for entertaining tourists and the other for traditional competitions. Frankly, it makes no difference to the spirit world which version is used as long as there are drums and chanting.
(The) rhythms which induce trance states are repetitive, energetic, and often loud and overwhelming. They lead the dancer away from the familiar setting of the everyday world into a disorienting atmosphere pulsing with vibrant rhythms, which usually builds to a climax. ... In Africa the dancers imitate the movements and footsteps of the possessing spirits.
This text is taken from the book - How to protect your child from the New Age and Spiritual deception - written by Berit Kjos. pages 222-226
Come, shake, dance is 100% copied from african satanic voodoo`s dance festivals.
The elitist agenda of providing controlled outlets for rebellion and drug abuse as a method of occult indoctrination for the NWO.
Demonic possession / Die Geister, die ich rief
Drogen, Fantasie und das Okkulte
The first and the last deception
Drogen, Fantasie und das Okkulte
The first and the last deception
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